Busyness is NOT a Badge of Honor

Have you ever found yourself in a whirlwind of commitments, deadlines, and responsibilities, feeling like you're constantly racing against the clock? This social normality often leads us to believe that perpetual busyness is the key to productivity and societal acceptance. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many of us, including myself, have been caught in this trap.
Don't be Fooled by the Badge of Honor
A couple of years ago, I was caught believing that busyness equates to purpose and productivity. I was actually wearing busyness as a badge of honor. On top of my daily family obligations (practices, meals, cleaning, etc.), I signed up for PTA fundraisers, volunteered in my children's classrooms, and taught Sunday school (all beautiful things I loved doing, I might add).However, after years of this jam-packed schedule, I realized that even though I was doing admirable activities, I was not genuinely appreciating them for their entire worth. I wasn't as present as I once was when I only did one or two at a time. I was busy worrying about what else I "had" to get done instead of being in the moment.
I realized that if I wasn't showing up as my fully rested, energetic self, the benefits others received were diminished. And that's not the purpose of volunteering, is it? It took me a long time to realize this, but I finally learned that to have the most impact on the lives of others, I must first start by taking care of myself.
It's All in the Schedule
Taking time to reevaluate my schedule was not a luxury but a necessity. I needed to reclaim balance, cultivate my passions, and honor my well-being. This was the journey I embarked on, and while everybody's paths are unique, I started by stepping away from several volunteer activities, which was challenging, to say the least. But so far it has allowed me to recharge and show up even more abundantly for the activities I do say yes to.Self-care is an imperfect process that is uniquely yours. It is all about what YOU need to be the best version of yourself so you can show up fully for yourself, your family, and the world.
UNHooK Time
Self-care is an ongoing journey I have prioritized in my life. I hope you, too, are ready to UNHooK from the perceived value of a busyness badge of honor and ready to start living a more present and gratifying life.Can you relate to the feeling of wearing a busyness badge of honor? Share your experiences in the comments below, and let's start a conversation about prioritizing self-care.
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